http://www.dailymail....-Tory-conference.html What next, abseiling down Big Ben or Nelson's column, a BMX track in Buckingham Palace grounds, skate boarding around St Paul's Cathedral? Now I know our...
Must go to Specsavers found another Two I ain't got ~ 22 Across - The odd chap left part of leg (4) C*** & 19 Down - Pursue outside, large and shiny (5) ***E* Specsavers here I come........
Please can anyone help 4 across Film English book in three equal parts two words 3 and 5 Pattern is ?H? B???? Also 1 down German chancellor twice hitting target, it's reported 8 letters B?S?????...
Help - 17a Member in row rejected authority R-M-- (5) and is 25d Capital of Siam's not completely ruined (Sofia??) S_F_ A (5) and 26a Incomplete space hopper R-- (3) - thanks
17d Island in America beyond another lost city (2, 5) -t-o-i-
Bit behind and putting this to bed (or not). No-one else has asked so I'm preparing to kick myself.......
Help please - thank you -1d Spent ages out of line ith old peace group (6&2&7)L???U? O? ??????S an 27a Green eggs sent over to a director in company (7) ??????O
What a treat waiting for you this morning when you open your door to go to work or take the kids to school. Autumn has arrived and Christmas is just around the corner. Your summer holiday is just a...
Why do people say 'I should of.' I could of,' I would of.' instead of 'I should have' etc. Why do people say 'I am loving this.' instead of 'I love this' Do abers think this is important?...
I'm so depressed right now. I don't know what else to do. I'm doing more than what my position is doing and with very little salary. The Big Bosses are giving me additional tasks and on top of that...