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moggie 939
I bought this for holidays and can use it in hotels with free wi fi - great. However, I did not realise that I could not use it with a 3g dongle like my laptop. Occasionally when I visit other parts...
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Due to me being a bit of an idiot I have managed to orders shed load of salad add to the salad stuff I already have. Frustratingly I have ended up with a fridge containing at least four...
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Please could someone tell me what the plant is on my avatar? It's growing in my garden now, is very fragrant and attracts bees I'm hoping to get some more a pop them in planters for next summer - will...
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Hi Tilly2 You have told me on my post for Titan Holidays that you have been with them a few times. I booked last Friday and they told me that the documents necessary will be sent by mail...she said...
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I have just received an e-mail asking me to sign a petition, to get Costa Coffee to not provide free Copies of The Sun I personally think there are more important things to worry about. Or do you...
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My daughter had her licence took off her for three years.which has now gone,DVLA sent her a letter telling her she must pay £65 to get it back,which she came today and it is a provisional...
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Yesterday, my ex called me for the seventh time this week. Like every time he called, he purposely used a different person’s phone just so I could answer. I’m terrified of him because he’s a...
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I am looking for a white plastic strip or beading,It is to put where the kitchen and dining room wallpaper join.There is already a piece there which was put a few years back,but now need a longer...
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yesterday a friend told me I should keep doors and windows shut in hot weather, she says that I am letting in the heat and whirling it round with my fans, its my first thought on a hot day, to open up...
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Can anyone enlighten about someone who is daughter thinks she is.She had a do last night,where she was screaming and shouting at her partner and 14 year old daughter,telling him to get...
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In the last week my arms have been itching - nothing to see just red - have tried aloe vera gel, E25 anti itch cream even anti histamine pills, but still itch and tingle, anybody any ideas or...
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Have anyone been on a Titan holiday using their door to door transport.Froam what I can see it is a mini bus in which ,in this case,will be travelling overnight from Cheshire to Gatwick. to catch a...
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we are going on a cruise round the British Isles in September. would a dongle work. has anyone any experience of using one on board a ship?
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Went to lift plastic bag off ceramic hob and to my horror it has melted leaving a residue. One of the knobs had been left on due to my cleaning them last night. How can I remove safely and without...
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I don't believe it!
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What would happen if I unstall the HP Media Smart Photo from my HP desktop PC?Of late,when I download a photo it opens with that in lieu of Windows Live Photo Galley...I much prefer the latter...but...
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What are your most annoying adverts on television? For me it is the meercats advert, and Barbara Windsor with her bingo advert. I switch off mentally as soon as these two come on....
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Can anyone remember a western film where a criminal was escaping on a horse & a guy brings out an ancient rifle type gun sets it up on a tripod & fires at the crim who was now almost on the horizon &...
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Hi My 2 year licence for2 years (4 computers) is due to run out very soon and the minimum AVG have quoted for renewal is £70!!! That is way over my budget!!! I only paid £20 initially and was...
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I have fir tree which needs to be moved from where I have it now,I will have to move a Californian Lilac to put the tree in it`s place. When is the best time to do this? Also when should one prune a...

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