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Just to let you all know I'm off for banjo lesson and weekend of sleaze. Hope you all have the most wonderful weekend. Do something this weekend that you've never done before xx
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Has anybody noticed how i am being got at ? I don't mind really, but I think it's about time I told you all who is doing this, She is basically sound, but not the full shilling. So gather round ABers,...
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Here is one of the more interesting threads that you just talked about. nonuts/cat_in_a_glass.jpg
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Noticed how old you were refected in your choice of car,young uns go for these new fluorescents, couldnt believe how many oldies went for grey tones, families black blue and reds and whites !!!!
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where is everyone? why the lack of questions and chit chat?
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we've just got our new car, a jaguar xk, it's beautiful, what does your car say about you??
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how is everyone this evening. i see no-one put a photo up after all. never mind i will have another try tonight.
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reading this morning about the gay joke in a thread and changing attitudes . now i know folk get quite worked up about the idea that homosexuals may be getting too much exposure . and that they are...
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so much for your kind words, it meant a lot xx
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Very simple question. If a person didn't reply to your email, shall I consider "ignored" or the person is busy to return. I understand it will depend on what kind of email content but is it normal to...
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come and join in this great forum, p?
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There's been so many bad news items today like the young lad 'Gordon Gentle '19 who served in Iraq, his death needn't have happened had he been given the right equipment to protect himself. The mass...
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Sorry to bother all you lovely people, but I got a message on my mobby voicemail,and the voice was tantalisingly beautiful. The problem is, when I press 5 to return the call I just get : 'Sorry this...
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.....about circumcision. All you men that had it done later in life, does sex feel different after, and if so, how. Better, worse or just different ? Thanks x x
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Bewlay Bros
1) Have you ever drank wine straight from the bottle? 2) Have you ever rooted in the bin for left over food? 3) Have you ever mixed disprin with alcohol? 4) Have you ever tucked a napkin in to your...
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Mrs 4GS never eats red meat, however, tonight she is working late, so, the kitchen is mine and I'm having Grilled Steak Garlic mashed potatoes Fried Onions What you all having?
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sweepings from the floor of the local indian corner shop but why do we like it?
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When I was on Millionaire, I fell at this question: 'On which river does Glasgow stand ?' a) Thames b) Mississippi c) Severn d) Nile My first response was that it was more probably a drunken sprawling...
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Who and what to you dislike? i dislike Bobtheturkey,raisins and cricket to name but 3, all 3 are pointless and stupid, how about you?

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