Where's me title disappeared to and why, I was getting used to having ideas above me station and now you have taken away my title...
I am gona change my name for that...flounce !!!!!
My lawn is been torn up by an animal or crows. I do not have badgers but would a muntjac do so much damage. What ever it is has torn areas about 5 sq metres up.
daffy, Yes, I was totally wrong about you. Please accept my sincere apologies. I was totally out of order - yet again!!! I will try to do better in the future without first jumping in feet first. I...
Thank you Kojak. This is the best Christmas song ever.
This is only of interest if you like Emmerson Lake and Pal;mer, still of interest.
by herself in the school carol service and got it ! I am so proud of her as this is her first year in secondary school - in a school of over 1,000 kids and she has such amazing confidence which has...