I remember sucking the shells of pistachios which seems like eons ago...it was the best bit Now we're sitting in Spain sucking money nuts ...a tasty tapas.How many of you suck nuts...
is rubbish. I have been ill for almost 2wks....no point in going to Dr yet. Haven't left house. I am sleeping for the world, I am vomming for the world, every part of me hurts, I have a bruise on my...
I'm not....at all. I'd like to be, I try so hard to be but however hard someones life is I always know someone going through far worse. It pains me I can't be less judgemental, truly. I've just hurt a...
home grown cauli's were a disaster :( Well the potatoes looked fabulous when we lifted them, we boiled them up, they didn't just turn to mush they literally exploded in the pan ! I'm not sure if I...
I confess to using Pataks paste in the past...i've run out. So I decided to make my own, aided and abetted with a mish mash from google. Some chilli, cumin (in lieu of garam masala), olive oil (in...
I know tales told of other peoples dreams can be boring, please bear with me. I have a recurring dream where I am in 'my' house (it's not a house i've ever seen but is familiar to me now) and there is...
they have been monogomous for 12ths. I have never heard of this before but it's true.Pretty appalling and discriminatory given they are appealing for Donors at the moment. So by my reckoning, if a gay...
My tomcat is 13 yrs old.He has always been ditzy, I don't think he had a great start in life going by his eating behaviour, although we have adored and loved him since he was 6mths old. The Vet, a...
http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/Body-and-Soul/Question1237141.html I was prescribed Lisinopril 10mg as my average was 164/70. I have been back to my Doc for a blood test for kidney function. I am back...
I have one on today, deep joy :( However as my BP is being taken every 30 minutes it has become a slight obsession with me today :) Were you aware how much your BP shoots up after eating ? I wasn't,...
My darling niece, who has several disabilities including learning, dyspraxia, autitism being the two main ones was lucky to live when she was born. She is the most special person in all our lives. She...
I have had a rotten bug for the past few days, I know it'll pass so i'm not unduly concerned. Shivery and initially not being able to keep anything down, just the usual type of bug which does the...
Hello, looking for some guidance please, I need a laptop that my daugther can use, she is a keen photographer and our current netbook is holding her back. Can anyone recommend a good machine or will...
ok, it is good, best halo single player since the first and even the MP is accessable. 9/10 from me. Medal of Honor - single player kicks COD's ass, it is exciting, great change of pace and a mini...
But not that scary...............just scary enough for a bunch of 12 yr olds on Hallowean. What can they watch?, I don't want them to have nightmares but equally I don't want them to be under whelmed!...