Hiya, I'm looking to get hair extensions but dont want to go to a salon as it costs a fortune and im likely to only have them in for a few weeks. I live in Berkshire so if anyone knows where i can get...
Blackberry.. You are my first Blackberry love so slim and stylish smart. When you vibrate I can't ignore the speed-dial to my heart. Your face is now my wallpaper, your voice my soft alarm, as I feel...
what is the best food to feed your dog on. Im really struggling to find a food to that doesnt make the dog stomach turn. Any ideas on how to make your own dog food,whats good for them and what not.?...
I am 20 years old and work in amin. I've been working for the same company for a few years now and all that time I have never really spoken what I really think, I have always kept quiet or just agreed...
I have now found the proverb and so withdraw my request for help which I think was requested in the posting immediately before this one. Hope this is in time to stop anyone wasting their time or...
Stupid question (probably). I've bought one of these for my hubby and thought I'd download all of his CD collection on to it! The problem I have is that the iPod stores more than my PC's hard disk....
can we have a list please of the names that have been removed from answerbank. there seem to be a lot of names not on anymore and i have not been on long , do people just leave or has the editor...
If I made my own fishcakes, burgers, lasagne etc.. can I cook them from frozen? How do I know the gas mark and time to cook them? If anyone has any advice or a link I'd be really grateful.
Hi i have a escort 55 turbo diesel x reg 2000. and i am wondering would it run off cooking oil mixed with a little but of thinners? or sould i mix half & half, 20ltrs of oil & 20ltrs of diesel say?...
hi i have a escort 55 turbo diesel, year 200 x reg and i was just wondering if it would be safe to put cooking oil in and mix with some thinner or go half & half 20ltrs diesel and 20ltrs cooking oil....
Are there any ways i can get rid of a flabby stomach and man boobs ? I have started using an Abs trimmer, but are there any other techniques ? i want to be completely toned down. ALso if start going...