Hi All, I am currently a Legal Secretary working in Family & Matrimonial Law. I have got a 2nd interview for a Corporate Role that I really really want and have absolutely no experience in - I...
Has anyone out there on a DMP ever managed to obtain a mortgage? If so which lender provides such a service? I know my credit rating is bad but I still have to pay rent each month and would rather be...
Hi All, I have been have been invited back for a second interview for a PA position I recently applied for. I am currently a legal secretary and am keen to move into a PA role. My first interview went...
Hi, I applied for two different positions today and have been contacted by both to attend interviews tomorrow - obviously I haven't had too much time to swot up!! They are both secretarial positions...
Any ideas for any nice desserts apart from the obvious christmas pudding and stodgy pastry type dishes. Family are taken care of as they will eat all that but I do not like cakes, or cream or sponge...
Does anyone know of any reputable banks/building societies or other companies that offer self-cert mortgages? My boyfriend and I have a substantial deposit but I am finding it difficult to find out...
I am currently in the process of setting up a Debt Management Plan with the CCCS. I have been advised to open a basic bank account for direct debits etc and a cash card. I applied to CO-OP and have...
Hi all, am off to Lindos with my fella in May and I have been told by numerous people how wonderful it is just wondering if any AB'rs have anythign to add?
I have always been told that if sun lotions/block etc have been opened you should not keep them longer than 6 months - however, my workmates have never heard about this? Your input please! ta
I have just been for an interview and feel it went rather well. They asked some rather on the spot questions such as "give an example of when you made a decision that affected your firm" and "when was...
If I declared myself bankrupt would this prevent me being able to emigrate to Australia? I can't seem to find any thing that addresses the subject on any immigrtaion websites.
I have a loan and credit card debts of about ?20,000.00. I am just about managing to pay them every month and have just managed a balance transfer for the cards. My boyfriend and I plan to emigrate to...