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A week ago I broke up with my boyfriend, he initiated the split for various reasons (problems with family, his job, court case, not being happy in the relationship etc) at first saying he...
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I have a 3 year old daughter whose eating habits are getting me down. When she first started on solids she would eat anything. Then when all at once she got really picky. Her diet basically consists...
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why do parents of young babies have there childs ears pierced.I read it is against the law untill the child is old enough to ask for them to be done really gets to me.(I fell slightly...
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My hair is currently chin length with layers. How long should it take before it is 'just past the shoulder' length? I like to get a trim at least every 6 weeks so will I not just be having the extra...
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when using electrolysis to remove unwanted hair, after the session is complete how is best to remove the hair that has been treated?
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my little boy (20 months) has been told by various family members that feet are `tootsies` , hands are `dannies` and teeth are `pegs` where do all these come from and what do people call private...
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Le Chat
The Bible aside, is there any other historical documented fact that Jesus existed? 
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my son is 9 months old and still wakes in the nights for a bottle is this normal
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My seven year old has started having nightmares every night. We have been to his school to see if there were any problems with his work, his friends ,bullying and so on. Everything seems fine and he...
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I was watching the home shopping channel and they were selling a product (electrolysis tweezers) that removed hair permanently. Does anyone have anything like this and does it really work? Can they be...
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I'd like you hear your views on why both Tony Blair and Gordon Brown have not seen fit to reassure parents of the safety of the MMR jab by letting us know whether their babies have had it or...
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Hi all, I have been searching for a track on and off for a lot of years and would be grateful for anyones help. Here's what I remember about it. I think it was a duet/collaboration between and italian...
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Has anyone bought and used a teeth whitening kit from ebay? I'm very unsure about their safety but then reasoned that if thousands of them are being sold they must be ok. And do they actually work?...
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I have liked this boy for ages and I mean years then about 6 months ago I got his number we were txting we met but I found out he liked my mate not me I was gutted, so of course I tried to put myself...
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The Tiggster
The obvious sign is missing your period, but are there other things that happen before then to tell you you're pregnant? i.e. sore breasts, headaches. Or is it too early for other signs?
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I really suffer with excema and at this time of year it gets really dry and cracks. It is very red and itchy with tiny blisters all over my left hand. I have tried all the creams going at the Doctors...
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Is there a correct age to start potty training your child? When did you all start?
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stressed out
Is there any short or long term health implications of a 1 year old enjoying a taste (couple spoonfuls) of Guiness? Strange it must sound, i thought so too when my friend told me that's what her son...
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Hi...I've got a job interview tomorrow, just as a part-time receptionist at a local newspaper office.  As im pretty new to work, and didn't have to attend an interview for my last...
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mr. piper
my son(21) is courting a girl of 17, she is mature enough to be with him and we all get on well. trouble started when his previous girlfriend and her mom and sister beat her up in the street, the...

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