i have fat thighs and was wondering what exercises helped reduce the fat right at the front and on the inside of the legs. i have been shaping up lately and losing a bit of weight and i've lost weigh...
when i find someone who i like and likes me back i seem to be very out of order and horrible to him when he's trying to be nice. for example i met up with him in town and we were going for dinner he...
does anyone know where i can watch the last two episodes of true dare kiss either on the internet for free or repeated on the tv please i was devastated when my tape recorder didn't work when i came...
I have been friends with a guy for about 2 years now and there is alot of us that hang out in a crowd together. lately i've noticed he seems to be paying more attention to me that others and...
I have been brough up as a christian not going to church but the ways and the praying and the belief in God and heaven and hell but lately i have felt so close to nature and i have always been and...
i am really interested in working with horses when i am older can anyone give me all the possible jobs becasue i'm not sure which i want to do or whether i should go in a completely different...
Does anyone know what the song is for the tesco advert where there is a woman on a horse riding through the woods in a black and white dress she then takes it off and changes to another dress. anyone...