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im disgusted that ab has chosen to remove a post about a missing child. sammy has been missing since april the 3rd 2007. in case you didnt read the earlier post about her that was calously removed by...
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My eldest son left Junior school today!! I have to say its been an emotional roller coaster today lol but we got through it :) Has anyone else reached any milestones/firsts recently? Oh & I'm...
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have you ever tasted tripe have you ever been close to a camel last time you cut your toe nails what brand of dog food does your dog eat do you own purple socks is your sneeze loud is mascherano the...
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Doc Spock
what time are the inmates back inside who believe in fortune telling and the like. Anyone who can foretell my next post will win ?25,000. Money where mouth is time.
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Couldn't the wording be toned down a bit please ? "Banned" has a terrible judicial ring to it, a sense of oh you naughty boy. Couldn't you just say, this answer has been hidden in the interests of the...
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If it was would it mean we would be able to talk about issues in more detail and use more apropriate language in posts. If not maybe we could have a special section were we could express our opinions...
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watching glasto i see the kaiser cheifs on. and the present song would seem to be good as theme tune for here. before you ask its not ruby ruby ruby ruby i know a guy at work. its actually i predict a...
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Just what is an old f@rt like Shirley Bassey doing at Glastonbury. She is now to singing what Michael Parkinson is to interviewing. Euthenasia where art thou.
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dear ab team, how about an automatic 1 day ban for anyon who has more than, say 5 posts moved or reported? i wonder if this would stop people willfully making my blood boil when they know they are in...
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my son is asking if you were a punk and were totally into the punk way of dressing and hair, what do you do now for a living, would be interesting what you got up after the punk era finished or did...
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If we spend most of our time on the internet, should we get a life or is it acceptable in modern society?
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I see ABE is here (unless one of the Monks has seen her log-in details and is running riot behind the wine vats) What's happened to the warning message?
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African Queen, gets me every time. Oooh Charlie. Better than Romeo and Juliet. Whats your bestest romantic movie.
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'Bliar' is an epithet commonly applied to TB. Do you realise how serious the accusation of 'lying' actually is ? If you said such a thing to most people you'd be up on a charge. So, what I want to...
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can someone please explain to me what it is and why it is eaten with a roast dinner thank you
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I've just come across this website advertising 'Barry Scott' t-shirts il.asp?prod=m0hiiambarryscott&cat=56&gclid=CML 8wOKt9YwCFRWOEgodejUkEA
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Hi all. I stopped smoking 2 weeks ago exactly and after 38 years of puffing 20 a day, am pretty proud of myself! YAY! However, I am feeling really tired and a bit 'spacey' and am getting quite worried...
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If you could swap gender for one day what would be 1, one thing you'd love about being the opposite sex 2, one thing you'd hate about being the opposite sex
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I recorded this film and watched it but unfortunately it finished recording just before the end. I got to the bit where Joanna told Ted that the son shoud stay with him and she was going to go up to...
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I live in the uk (essex) and my friend lives in australia (near melbourne). We are trying to plan a holiday for next year (between may-july ish) and trying to find somewhere that is halfway in between...

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