Now it appears that the spy is a muslim having converted on his deathbed.,,2-2486 268,00.html you just cant write this stuff.
Good or bad? Yay or Nay? Bearing in mind they are 6 years away and we were only awarded them 18 months ago, it does concern me that the budget forecast has already been increased. I'm afraid I'm a...
a while back there was a program on sky travel ...its difniatly had the word "beach" in the title....was set in ibiza and it had some young lads and lasses just clubbing in of the...
Hi, I have the phone number of my friend in Israel..... This sounds dumb I know, but I am assuming that it is her mobile number because I never saw a landline in her house......anyhooo....I can no...
My friend is having problems with their computer.They cannot open Internet Explorer,a message comes up saying there is an error on the side bar. Anyone know what has happened and how they can fix...
icannot open sum of the attathments up on my e mails itb says that windows media player cannot play the file the player mite not support the codec that was used to compress is there anything in simple...
Can you please tell me what happened to my question about iTunes yesterday? I assume it was banned for some reason, although I cannot think why. I have looked in my profile and my questions and there...,,30000-1 240570,00.html Now we're paying out a fortune for druggies who had to dry out, poor darlings. Is there ever to be an end to this madness? What about the...
Finally we are rid of that corrupt personification of corporate greed and vice. May the blood of the many thousands of animals he has killed flow forth from the heavens and drown him.
Did I hear correctly on the news last night ,that hunting with hounds , of sick or wounded animals , is to be allowed on National Trust Land ? If this is correct , what justification can there be for...
have u seen it.if u have.OMFG the part were she is shaveing her legs and its taking her skin off is so ******* grouse!!!!!!!! its all EEEEEWWWWWWWWW.its disguesting(sp) i almost threw up.when i saw...
Can somebody please give me 3 examples of products made buy sintering, And if your feeling particularly generous could you tell me why sintering was used to construct them? Many thanks in advance
How do i know if my computer is set for using a web cam as myself and my mum have got broadband and would like to use a web cam so she can see my son as we live away. can any one help me with any...
Would it be possible to have a topic simply concerning any individuals personal problem? Now I have an internet friend who I have met who lives abroad and is causing me a great problem - where should...