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Do you know where I can hire green glass in the form of Champagne, wine and water glasses??
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At the weekend I made a lovely Thai Chicken Curry from fresh and scratch. How many days can I expect it to keep in the fridge and still be okay to eat??
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How long do you have to work somewhere before you are entitled to maternity pay, and howlong do you have to return to work for after maternity leave to not have to pay back the maternity pay??
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Does any one have any tips for conceiving. Mr Lilyfrig and I are having lots of fun trying so far, and I am counting days in to cycles and stuff, but does anyone know of anyother tips that have worked...
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I am 28 yrs old and stopped taking my contraceptive pill over a year ago. My problem is that my periods are very irregular which is a pain as Mr Lilyfrog and I are trying to get pregnant, so not only...
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How do you work out how many weeks pregnant you are?? Do you count from last period or from conception?
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Can anyone answer a question which my husband and I have been arguing about for years. The query is how to overtake correctly on the motorway. His thoery is that you put your indicator on and then sit...
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My cats have a habit of leaving their breakfast food in the bowl untill I come home from workin the evening, and then eat it all when they are sure that I am home to give them some more. I think it is...
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Does anyone know a good song that is about someone who has been unfaithful but realises that actually they just love their girlfriend / boyfriend and want to be with them. I am not looking for a...
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I am a size 16 - and very happy with it - but have problems finding cool jeans that fit me. I like surf / street / urban style clothing but find they genreally go up to a small size 14. Does anyone...
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This morning when attempting to get one of my cats indoors before leaving work she was playing up and we ended up chasing around the pots at the bottom of the garden. I eventually lunged for her and...
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In 2003 I defaulted on a loan, credit card and overdraft with HSBC to the tune of around ?10,000. I used a debt management agency to negotiate lower monthly payments and frozen interest on my behalf...
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Can anyone reccomend an interesting but tottal non-slushy that could be read out during our Civil Wedding ceremony? i would like something with clever humour or phillip Larkin, but must be appropriate...

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