How do you get a 15yrd. out of his bed? For school. I have done ice cubes,taking blankets off, etc. My husband and I wake him up at 7:20ish,and it takes him half an hour before he gets up. If there is...
My son who is thirteen and a half has discovered a hard lump behind each of his nipples. I seem to remember I found the same when i was a lad but put it down to something to do with pubity. I ignored...
Why do some people insist on typing Q&A's in capitals? When you text in capitals it's considered as shouting, so do these posters think we may be deaf? !
Hi, my 6 week old son has this white litle lump in his upper gum, its hard and looks a lot like a litle tooth coming out. And the strangest thing is that it looks like its in the canine tooth place....
Every parent dreads the word!! We've tried everything we can think of to make it fun, [including bribery, treats etc] but it always turns into a complete nightmare. Any ideas how to get it done...
back in 1965/66 I commited a crime and had my picture and finger prints taken, this job i applied for and got wants me to submit to finger prints, I;m 54 years old now, will this stop me from getting...
My fella is attending a murder mystery party thing and his character is a 60s male model - I have looked through ebay and tried googling but cannot find any decent pictures or places to buy such...
Does anyone know about those legendary animals who can use magic? They live in a tribe on an island nobody ever heard of before! I THINK!! I just heard about it before and I need a legendary animal to...
What age ranges are creatine supplements suitable for? and what ages aren't they suitable for? And do the cheaper ones really work? any info would be much appreciated! thanx in advance
Dude sup, i ask a lot of question on ere lol. Anyway im 16 and im 5 ' 8 ? in height or 173 cm. My parents are like 5 ' 5 ish but im 5' 8 ?, will i get much taller, any comments would be helpful?
I know we've spoken about this before but the increasing number of posters asking about Prescription Drug side effects and symptoms of illnesses that should have been seen by a GP long before they...