Should i buy extra cheap plonk as knobby is quite a guzzzler and i dunno bout the rest of em i will of course have a wee drinky to be socierable well ?
Last night my boyfreind and I were up late watching TV when an advert for "male enhancement" came on. He then grabbed his phone and I said "Oh baby, dont buy that, it's OK that you're small." Then he...
Same problem roads impassable "No Grit" I rang the Local Council: "We can't clear the roads because we've run out of grit." Hmmm, OK can't send you a cheque for my Council Tax because I've run out of...
I just came back from Asda,where i was by the meat counter when a guy just nicked a joint of beef and the too fat to run security guard shouted 'Oi, what you doing with that?' at him To which he...
Besides punching the lights out of the guy next door can anyone recommend a more adult appraoch to my dilemna. We moved into our new house 12 months ago. Next door are a family with 3 girls. They have...
Youre a cleaner . But cant cleanup your act. Youre a clown. But youre unintentionally funny. Youre like a third ear . Useful possibly. But look uncomfortable and out of place.
Ive just seen something on the news about englands "frozen house market" and i was just wondering,was has it being that cold recently that everyones been building igloos?