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my hair is thinning!!! do i carry on having slightly long scruffyish hair which looks ok at the mo. or should i start cutting it shorter to gradually hide the baldiness?
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Well we all have something, don't we?? Mine is the fact that I don't have toe nails on both of the little toes on my feet! Well, they are so small they aren't much bigger than a grain of rice, so when...
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Hey guys, I am really stuck on this one and need your advice. I have been in the same relationship for four years and my partner and have a child together. He would love more children but I am unsure...
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i am sooooooooooooooooo bored!!!!!!! i need just under 3 hours of entertainment to keep my Body and Soul satisfied.... Any suggestions...? xxx
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i've got this obsession with porn on the internet and i want to stop it, but i don't know how. i use the family computer so you can imagine how difficult is is and i don't like looking at it in the...
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i gained alot of weight quickly and now have lost a bit of it, thing is i have stretch marks on my stomach now, im really concious of them, i go on the sunbeds and i feel they make them stand out...
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Following on from yesterday, can I ask you to click on the link, then click on "random article" on the left and repost the link. Yes, I can do it myself but I feel it would not be truly random if only...
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From this thread... elationships-and-Dating/Question395505-2.html UPDATE: I think it's hit me. I think I see that he doesn't really love me and my heart...
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I found out today my husband has been seeing someone else since at least before Christmas. He denied everything untill I hit him will the facts. He says he is not coming home but is happy for me to...
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I mean after having sex, how long before you start to feel the effects of pregnancy ? 1 week? a month? I think what I am trying to say is how long does it take for the sperm to reach the egg? This is...
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I just can't believe that a lot of posts on here are not tongue in cheek, no pun intended. What type of person wants to talk about her boyfriends erection or lack of it. It's got to be a joke. Is it...
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1) Do you object to women being called birds? 2) Do you agree that every woman in the world likes their bottom spanked? 3) Do you believe in the free market economy and traditional Tory values? 4) Are...
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like a virgin touched for the very first time like a virgin .i cant get this song out off my head and i saw mummy kissing santa out of my head . think it has something to do with that i want to break...
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Does anyone know the difference between, Fire, Police and Ambulance sirens ?
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Does anybody know what odds SA were to beat England yesterday? Was going to put ?20 double with SA victory (steal as it turned out!) and Chelsea to win Champions League - thanks
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right when a guy says hes not ready for a relationship, what does it actually mean ? cos i was seeing this guy for a couple of weeks, he said he *wasnt ready for a relationship* but hes callled me and...
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What would you do if you found a lottery ticket in the street, on the bus, wherever, took it home and when you checked the numbers you found it was a jackpot winner! ?3,000,000. !!! Would you cash it...
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Please do not treat this as smut, like so many of the AB questions, but I have a serious question for birds concerning their understanding of the male orgasm. Why is it that when the female controls...
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I no this sounds bad but women are weird one second there happy next there sulking over something you havent even done. Women are weird they can make you feel so happy then they can break your heart...
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Mr Tall
Went on the **** yesterday down the Thames watching the London Marathon. Met a mate at the finish line and went for a few beers as you do. Come about 9 o clock and about 12 pints later I can hardly...

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