I've inherited an overgrown garden from the previous tenant. Well it's not big enough to be called a garden as it's hardly 2m by 2m. It's all foot long grass and, I think, dandilions. I have no...
I'm tired of my pikey colleagues nicking my milk at work. So I've decided to get a mini fridge to stick under my desk just for me and my milk. Does anyone have any mini fridge recommendations?
I've just listened to Thom Yorke's new album and it's a tuneless, impenetrable mishmash of noises. Radiohead were great, fantastic even. The Bends is still one of my most favourite albums. But after...
I've got some new lovely fluffy towels. The problem is that the fluff comes off. They've been through the wash a couple of times but still it's happening. One particular towel is purple and my...
Politicians are down there with lawyers and tabloid journalists. They're incapable of answering questions or accepting resposibility for their actions. Their incompetance is matched only by their...
The taps in my new place (well new to me) don't work. The landlord reckons the water has been turned off so I just need to turn it back on. Apparently I need to locate the stopcock. I can't find the...
I'm about to move to an area with blue wheelybins labelled 'Newspapers and Magazines only'. Surely they can't be serious? Can't I put other paper based rubbish in there such as junk mail or thin card?
Every week many many singles are released and Planet Sound on C4 Teletext always reviews them all. Which is nice. It would be even nicer if there was somewhere I could actually here them. Say a weekly...
Because of the glowing reviews I got myself a Henry rather than a Dyson. Damn it, it's hard work. A Dyson, or any upright, will just glide along on its wheels but Henrys brush is hell on earth to push...
If you turn a sound wave upside and play it back it cancels out the original sound almost silencing it. Why the hell don't they include this technology in vacuum cleaners? I emailed Dyson once asking...
I have an aging Dyson DC01 and apart from being totally ugly it has always worked pretty well. Dyson's support has also been faultless when the vacuum cleaner has brokern. I was thinking of splashing...
Can anyone tell me the name of the song that the BBC played over the closing credits of their coverage of the Andy Murray/Andy Roddick tennis match on Saturday 1st July? Ta in advance