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Louisa 69

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I saw a guy in a club over the weekend and i liked what i saw so my friend gave him my number. He didn't see me in the club but he did text me the next day and asked for a photo so i sent one. We were...
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do you think that is old fashioned that children are better off with the mother whatever the mother does, it upsets me that there are so meany fathers out there that would make a better father than...
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Shadow Man
Just watching Doc Martin at the moment and there is a teenager really concerned about the size of her fun bags. She is more concerned about her female friends taking the Michael as opposed to...
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Am I right in thinking that my TV licence fee all goes to the BBC? Don't get me wrong I watch BBC but after thinking about it - I watch more ITV overall. The BBC don't show adverts (except for their...
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'I know not with what weapons World War Three will be fought, but World War Four will be fought with sticks and stones.' - Albert Einstein And I was wondering if anybody can beat that for a quote?
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After a conversation with my pregnant 18 year old daughter about the age of consent I wondered what other peoples views are. If you are legally allowed to have sex at age 16 here in the UK,why are you...
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1) What will you be doing at 5.24pm? 2) What is on top of your wardrobe? 3) Do you know any people called Nigel or Debbie?bonus if they are a couple... 4) Do you subscribe to any magazines? 5) Have...
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Doc Spock
Saw on the news yesterday the funeral of that colin driving bloke. Someone in the crowd said " he was a man who enjoyed life" No sh1t!.
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Just came back from the Jokes section, and there's a joke full of "&Quot"s. I realize it's supposed to be "&Quote", but why do many people do that. Don't most keyboards have quotation marks on...
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I'm 17 years old, and i read alot compared to most people my age, my favourite author is Steven King, i have read all of his books... (i think), and i adored his 'The Dark Tower' series... its just im...
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right heres an update as said b4 baby grape blocked up our toilet with a bar of soap, we thought it was fixed! Then at 3:30am this morning i am woken by my stepson screaming, there was water, and...
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How do you tell someone they have nose hair and everyone can see it very clearly in daylight?? I know someone (large person, big boned/big nosed) with flared nostrils (not her fault) and coz of its...
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Been to visit my 93 year old great aunt in Huddersfield Hospital today, her cancer has spread and is causing renal failure, which means she only has a few days left. She is always cheerful but...
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I happened to see the bold headline on someone elses newspaper today "Bosses face axe at Debenhams". My immediate reaction was "OMG, does this mean that Dot Hawkes will have even more time to spend...
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Sorry for the morbid post, just wondered how you see your final day? When I was in the Army, I was convinced I would leave this world the same way I came in, IE kicking + screaming and covered in...
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I just can't see the police over there being so foolish. If they are proved wrong they will be a laughing stock, they must know that. Therein lies the dilemma. Are they too deep now? By the way just...
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If there was no UK, what nationality would you prefer to be? I'd be German, it's a beautiful country, and the people are pretty much like the Brits, shame about the lack of sense of humour, but we...
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do you find the new lynx advert really funny, or should i try to cultivate a more adult sense of humour?
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Who`s staying up to watch Lewis Hamilton win it?
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Scots,English,Welsh or Irish? .

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