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Does anyone know who will definitely be in the show this year ? I believe it starts in November.
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Although I have enjoyed the Conway sisters - especially over the last 3 weeks shows, Maria is a muc better singer. I was convinced that since Louis has appeared a total crawler this series that he...
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i am sure you all have storys to tell us of embarrassing things kids say...yesterday my daughter took the kids to a shopping centre and my grandson who is a bit loud at the best of times he is 3...was...
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Anybody know a good way to get my 4-year old to stop dribbling ? He's constantly dribbling (drooling) and he is in school now and looks a little foolish x Also anytips on removing dribble stains from...
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I've just found out that I'm pregnant and I'm wondering if it's safe to have my hair relaxed as there are loads of chemicals in it.

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