Only 3 days now to 'THE Wedding, what will you be doing?
Are you having a street party?
Making the most of empty supermarket?
Ignoring it all & staying in bed?
or other?
i see joe loughrey bagged his pitch on monday night for the wedding... spose he will have a clear area around him of about 20 feet come friday morning... you wouldnt want to be downwind of any camper...
I've just read about a guy in his twenties who lives at home and has his Mum do pretty much everything for him. She waits on him hand and foot. She starts every morning by running him a bath. She also...
Go to You Tube and search for 'Drunken Chav loses it on a train'. (I haven't posted as it will probably just get removed) Be warned, the language in it isn't for the faint hearted. I can't believe she...
Iain Duncan Smith , Works and Pensions Sec.on? Quoted yesterday as saying " that most people should ,and even want to work beyond the age of 65." Is this really the findings of one of our...
Well i am so glad this country can afford extra money for Pakistan,,i thought they could afford to make atomic bombs but not teach there kids. This game that Cameron is playing is beginning to wear a... Is it right for British Gas to have increased their prices at a cost to its customers? I know a lot of its profits are going towards renewable and...
They go on and on and on and on about how great their child/children are at activities. My Charlie did this and my Charlie did that and he was the best there and he is going to be a professional... With numerous ex-service camps now becoming vacant due to the decrease in military spending, the fears of the increase of obesity amongst our young, no jobs to go to when...
Any predictions for who gets kicked off tonight's programme? After last week it's anyone's guess! The first one with the right answer gets a free raffle ticket for mamy's Mad Over 50's Club.