Hi all Hopefully I'm not treading on Mintyman's toes but as I know a number of people enjoy The Spectator crossword I have saved a pdf of it and can email it out to interested parties. To save me...
33D Sons,quietly close pals (5) S?E?? 40A Boys assuming eastern guises (5) ?E??S I have the the thematic group but think I've got into a muddle with the misprints somewhere along the way and am now...
Stuck on two - 3d Handle entertaining date with level of proficiency in ballroom activity (10, two words) ??u?d??nc? and 4d Money accepted for sheath (6) ???r??. Your help appreciated.
1d.Needs letters containing unusual Latin alteration - notice it includes only masculine forms(10;10)
12d.Just around noon, woman gave Tom pesto or fried mollusc(4-6;10)...
I'm starting a new thread as the last one seems to have died out! With kayakamina's help, I have answered the clues and know the location and one of the occupants but I do not understand the 'thematic...