Notice how the Guardian has mentioned that a right-wing group has asked for a boycott of Greggs?...
It seems to be changing every few mins this morning.
Lets hope this nasty old beggar is gone for good.... On the basis that more or less any sort of health care need can be put down as "self...
says Miranda Yardley, who transitioned ten years ago. Absolutely right, say I. A breath of fresh air in an increasingly politically correct world. What say you?... He though the acid was a date rape drug! PMSL so he through it over the crowd presumably intending to date rape the crowd, right Oh! He should get 5 years... Clearly motoring is so cheap that the masses have personal private transport. Surely it's time to start charging by the mile/time of day for... She is on her way back from Uganda at the moment. The question is, will Teresa wait until her plane lands at Heathrow before giving her the push, or will... Hit by a truck, yes the fault of the trucker but that's cold comfort if you are injured or worse. Note to the programmers, it is entirely possible that...
The Queen has been caught stashing her millions into an offshore bank account. Do you feel betrayed by her actions? Should she now apologise to the nation and offer her resignation?
Scientists who follow the evidence, and conclude that evolution and abiogenesis, and even the origin of the universe, required an intelligent designer, run the risk of losing their research funding,...