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Is 15 across Dissolves? If so that makes 1 Down Asterid which I can't confirm anywhere CAN ANYONE HELP PLEASE?
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Is 1 down asterid? If so 15across is dissolves - it's been driving me potty!
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6down - part of its cost in new zealand goes to support children's camps for medical care 6&5 H*A*T* S*A*P 14down - from the other side of the waters 12letters *R***O*E*N*C 19down - cited as an...
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11across - form of protein derived from the white of eggs 9letters O***B*M*N 27across - bentback 12letters *E*R*F***T*D 32across - Law of frequency change when source of vibrations is moving to or...
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15across - A short oratorio or opera intended for concert performance only 7letters **N*A*A 28down - A chines fruit with a brittle outer covering 5letters L*C*I
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Anatomy is not a strong point! Can anyone help please? 23 across - A hypothetical eurasian language proposed as the parent of altaic, indo-eurasian and other language families 9letters N*S*R*T**...
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32down - A low-quality black china tea from the last crop of the season 5letters B*H*A 26down - Time signature indicating two or four minim beats in a bar 4&5 letters A*L* B*E*E
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26a spars used in the packing of cargo xTxExEx 25d characterised bu pithy sayings xNxMxC 28d biological group evolved from a common ancestor CxAxE thanks for your help!
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13 a a colourless or greyish white mineral found in sedimentary rocks AxHxDxIxE 20 d the cause of respiratory infections and a mild form of meningitis E-H-V-R-X 31 a japanese immigrant, originally one...
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10d type of servitude compelling tenants of a certain district to bring their grain to a prticular mill for grinding ///R/A/E 12a capacity for sensation or feeling A/S/////A 13a person honoured for...
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3 down - Self-controlled C*N*I*E*T can't see the wood for the trees, help appreciated.
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20 down - hardy breed of long-woolled sheep 9letters S*A*E*A*E 33 across - ratio on a right angled triangle of the side opposite the angle of the hypotenuse 4letters S*N*
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11 across English avant-garde artist born in 1943, paired with George 7letters G/L/E/T (I don't understand the connection - paired with George?) 12 across In music, flowing and melodious, like singing...

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