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9across - genus of east indian fibre-yielding trees *B*O*A thought it was something ebony based, Google does not like it though?...
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24 across - Meeting place in London, for many years the unofficaial HQ of the Tory Party letters 6 & 4 W*I*E* C*U* 22 across - Dinosaurs with a horn over each eye and one on the nose 13 letters...
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31across - A plant that grows in refuse or on waste ground 7letters R***R*L
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31 across - The doctrine of the final causes of things 9letters S*L*O*O*Y 13 across - A dispatch boat 5letters A*I*O...
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26across - Order whereby judgement is not made for period of time 4-2-9 letters K*E* O* E*E*U*I*N obviously too much sunday lunch brain not in gear, thanks in advance...
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12 across - Member of the spanish civil guard 10letters *A*A*I*E*O
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25across - Is the answer STREET? It does not relate to either Oxford or Regent street. Didn\'t know there was an area on the monopoly board called STREET, not when I last played it, help appreciated.
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3down - primulaceous eurasian woodland plants with small drooping pale yellow flowers 6letters O*L*P* thanks in advance!
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Not so much stuck more like "Superglued" on these last two..... 5 down name for various ducks, such as the pochard and wigeon 4 letters *M*E 31 across Diacritical mark placed over a vowel-letter...
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19 across Confectionary 6letters *W***S 13 down 1960's band T*E ***T*E* thanks in advance!
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32 down - billy budd and crew, at times 7letters R*E*E*S Help appreciated as I cannot find anything related to this!
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32 across - belonging to deserts 6letters E*E*A* 33 across - former unit of currency in peru 4letters *N*I
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struggling with 1across Scottish name for the black-headed gull 7letters P*C*M** last letter may be W for whist a classic trick-taking card game, help appreciated!
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16across - fines or their impositions 12 letters *M***I*M***S 27across - a stickler for good syntax and morphology of a language 10letters *R*M*****T thank you
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5down - A star of the film 10 3&5 letters K*M *O*A* 14down - A star of the film 10 5&7 letters *A*E S*E*A*T obviously nothing to do with Dudley Moore/Bo Derek in 1979 film, can anybody help please!
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11 across - A fritter or something similar 7letters B*I*N*T can't see it at all can anyone help please?
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3d - times without henry for you and me O*R* 25d - french name taken out of mere necessity *E*E 16a - ian twice takes in river of oil-rich country I*A*I*N
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cannot get this at all, help please 2down - conventional outlook I*E* R*C*E
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16 d miniature cathode ray tube E-E-E--- E-E 20 d a form of torture S-R---A-O 29 a To put in danger (imperil?) -MP-R-L thanks in advance, found it hard this weekend, anybody else?
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5 down - In the style of a roman statesman noted for his banquets 8letters L*C*L*A* 19 across - Dietetics 8letters *I*O*O*Y

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