Help appreciated as somewhat confused, thought of tutorship?
15 down - Lessons to be worked through by learners at their own pace
9 letters T*T*R*A*S...
last two;
reach level of maturity in musical section 7letters p*s*a*e IS IT PASSAGE?
style we adapted, in appealing fashion 7letters s*e*t*y IS IT SWELTRY as in sweatshop?...
13 across - the writer permanently damages back in US city 5letters M*A** 14 down - clear net i contrived to entangle together 9letters **T*R*A*E 9 across - skilled worker's quietly taken off front of...
20 d - Rent cut by an association for work thats done perfectly 2.1.4. letters T* A *U*N To a turn possibly? 16 d - Son drops wearing something on head, being least exposed to the Sun 8letters...
1 across - Revising at a blue-chip university leaving with a first, etc 10 letters **P**B**** 1 down - Awkward not to have fingers 3&6 letters **L ***M** 13 down - song from girl in nude 9letters...