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i recieve e-mail attachments from friends,when i try to download i get amessage up which says@@@@ a required dll file imbrowsedll was not found. how can i rectify this,any help will be...
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as an e-bay seller, i have been unable to download pictures from my file, as the appropriate page is not in the usual format,therefore not allowing me to proceed, any advice will be appreciated
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can anyone tell me why at this time of the year and every year we have a blue tit flying up the patio widow and tapping it with its beak,strange but true
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did anyone out there serve on hms alamein in 1956/7 as a stoker or
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when i boot up my computer i get a message which says      itouch---this programme has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down,any idea what this means?
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what can i use to get rid of a green substance from a bronze medallion
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does anyone know the history of manchester liners limited
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can anyone give me information on the manchester shipping lines ships 1900-1910
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i have tried e-bay but no luck,i want to purchase polo or t-shirts with a country badge or logo on it,can any one advise, thank you
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how long can i keep red wine on a rack in a cool place before it becomes undrinkable
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i have recently installed bt broadband basic,when recieving e-mail with attachment i am asked to download it to yahoo briefcase,can anyone advise me how to retrieve it at a later date,because i cannot...
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my father is deceased,can i obtain his royal engineer army war records
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where can i purchase royal navy cap tallies from  1950 to 1960

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