There are areas on the maps on my Google Earth that dont clear after zooming in, no matter how long I wait,but they did before.Also there are areas that I could zoom into to a lower altitude and get a...
Whilst walking on holiday in Spain I came across this plant (didnt have a camera at time).it had single elongated bell shaped white flowers and had produced seed pods which were apple green some quite...
I have been given a rather old laptop. It boots up OK, but about a quarter of the screen is made up of vertical coloured bands and stripes. Is it beyond repair.
I am getting no sound through my PCs speakers.I have selected control panel, clicked on sound and audio devices and in the sound and audio properties box clicked each tab in turn volume, sounds,...
I speak Spanish fairly well but am thinking of learning Catalan as my wife and I are holidaying in the Costa Brava. I know the local people understand Spanish but it is I think, appreciated if you try...
Do you earn tax free interest on the full amount from previous years? Say I had deposited my full allowance of £5100 in tax year 09-10 left it there for the next tax year, deposited another...
I have started using a Dongle on my PC as I was having so much trouble with broadband connection via telephone line. My Q is once the signal has been disconnected do I need to unplug the dongle from...
Now that the TT is on again, I remember a tale that a local rider called Malcome (Puppy) Uphill,was the first to lap the IOM course at 100 mph using prototyp tyres by Dunlop, who, went on to market...
I have a nesting pair of Blue Tits in my garden,the chicks must be hatched as both parents are flying back and forth feeding. My Q is, what if one of the parents died for some reason,would the other...