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Mani Hussain

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Mani Hussain
What is your take on the current torture row? itics/defence/4513798/Torture-row-David-Davis- demands-truth-from-Government.html These allegations are...
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This question attracted very much interest when posted earlier. It has now been reported that a millionaire is to fund legal services on behalf of the Grandparent. Peter Hitchins sums the whole matter...
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anotheoldgit 8/Stop-stealing-jobs-Thousands-oil-workers-Bri tain-walk-row-influx-foreign-labour.html Do the hand wringers on this site believe that these workers are...
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Mani Hussain
Following on with my recent theme of introducing more positive questions to the news section, I would like to ask - What makes you proud to British, and what would make you even more proud? Personally...
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Mani Hussain
I was just wondering how many people on here have actually been involved in a physical fight as an adult?? I've been in quite a few, not that I'm proud of it. It's a strange experience, your heart is...
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relations of yours? f/2009/01/adolf_hitler_3_his_siblings_re.html
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Has anyone ever played a quija board, if so what happened? and can you play one on your own?? I would like to do one, but no one i know will do it with me, i very much believe in spirits, and would...
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of Pakistani, so offensive, surly it's the same as 'Brit', i don't get it?
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Mani Hussain
Hello, I thought I would break the monotony of the usual negativity, hysteria and muslim moaning in this section by asking a positive question. I want everyone to name someone, either a Politician or...
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Why is there a gay culture? What does there need to be one for? You're gay - so?
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I'm not saying it should, I'm just curious. The Daily Mail is ultra-right wing, patriotic, anti Europe and anti-foreign. Yet they stop short of support for the BNP, a party with whom they share most...
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Mani Hussain
American democracy was dealt a heavy blow on Monday when gun loving Vice President Dick Cheney admitted that he supported the use of torture techniques in Guantanamo Bay....
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Mani Hussain
Hi, I recently watched a two-part documentary by Boris Johnson on the BBC, it was all about the historical conflicts between Islam and Christianity. I must confess I have never been much of a fan of...
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Apparently, some UK mad mullah has declared that the terrorist attrocity in Bombay is all the fault of the British, right oh! When are we going to come up with some sort of solution to the Islam...
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Mani Hussain
It is a widely held belief that possessing a surfeit of material possessions is at odds with living a Christian life. In fact, even beyond Christiandom, asceticism is widely held to facilitate a more...
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Barack Obama says "Britain should send more troops into Afghanistan. Do you agree with him?
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Mani Hussain
On Monday the Associated Press reported that Obama's advisors "are quietly crafting a proposal to ship dozens, if not hundreds, of imprisoned terrorism suspects to the United States to face criminal...
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Mani Hussain
I'm reading this charming book at the moment, in which a great disaster wipes out most of the population of the world, leaving a couple million people. After the disaster, about 20% of the survivors...
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Is it possible for a girl to be 27 and be a virgin and not bleed? How long should they bleed for? I mean lets say if the girl lost her virginity in the sea and then after walking back to her flat 20...
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In the event of a totally secular government. should the military Padres be sacked as irrelevant?

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