I'm using Roundup GC to clear a neglected patio area of dandelions,docks etc. The instructions are 30 ml to 5litres in a watering can but 30 ml to 1 litre in a spray. The answer may be obvious but why...
I don't seem to be able to find any sodium chlorate around these days to use as a basic weedkiller and think this may be due to the state thinking I'm going to make a bomb with it. Is it still...
As a student in the 1960s, I used to have an occasional drink in the Park hotel on Portland Street......on a recent visit to Swansea I did notice it had gone. What happened to it, when did it...
Have just bought a 2003 M3 - the alarm keeps going off randomly in the day only - I have made sure all the windows and doors are closed securely. The only thing I noticed is it seems to go off when...
"large tree yielding a timber similar to rosewood". six letters and the pattern is -a-a-k. I can only think damask but don't think this is correct. Help please !!!
I am filling a form in for a job application and under previous employees there are three boxes one for name and address for for duration and a small box with "NOR" above it - does anyone know what...