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Are there any other females out there who get turned on by gay men or am I a bit weird :o
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Did anyone see the excellent Spiral on BB4 recently? Wasn't it just so much better than most of the drivel on the main channels? I hope they repeat it on BB1 so more people can enjoy it.
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I'm listening to 'The rolling Stones - Jump Back'
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In the 70's there was a kids programme called Look & Read and it had a story in it about some children who found a birds egg? Does anyone know what it was called?
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I love him. Anyone agree???
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what does your bloke say? And does it give you a sense of achievement?
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how 'in fashion' are you? Do you follow trends or wear what's comfortable regardless if it's 'in' or not or do you prefer the classic/timeless look? Do you think it matters? What are you wearing now?...
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What's your favourite cover version? Is it better thah the original? Sadly ... mines Mrs. Robinson by Busted ..(only 'cos it's in a key I can actually play)
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Any suggested tracks for a compilation CD I'm making with a travelling (mainly driving) theme. So far got Radar Love, 2-4-6-8 Motorway, On The Road Again, Roadrunner, Take It Easy, Roadhouse Blues....
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i cant remember the name of a cartoon i loved when i was a kid. now dont laugh but all i remember was, there was a boy and he was blue, he had a friend who was a girl and she was also blue. the went...
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Thinking of getting the DVD. Is it any good? The trailer made me cry!!! :(
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seeing Dara O'Briain presenting Turn Back Time on BBC2, I cannot see why he gets so much work. Very little he says is funny and he looks so uncomfortable on telly that he made his guest Terry Jones...
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Anyone else going to see Embrace in October. I can't wait but people keep telling me they're pretty crap live? Also any ideas who's supporting them?
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What's your lucky number and why??? Mine is 14 as everything good that happens to me ALWAYS happens on the 14th of a month. Its really, really bizaare. And even more weird is that its usually the 14th...
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Am I the only person on the planet who saw the film Restless Natives in the 80s?!!! I thought it was a great film especially as Big Country did the music. Does anyone else have a clue what I'm talking...
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why do we cry so much over men?
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Can anyone settle an argument for me and tell me what Zetas are as mentioned in Exo-Politics by Muse? Does anyone else think Black Holes and Revelations is the album of the year?
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I've tried everywhere online for this video. Can anyone suggest a physical shop anywhere in the UK that I could maybe get this video?
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So i just read in the paper etc about how much it will cost you to tax a car in the near future... 1 clio 1.4 - ?600 2 vectra 1.8 - ?900 3 mondeo 2.0 - ?1200 4 rangerover v8 ?2100 When is enough...
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Does anyone know what make of car has a round badge with three swords on? I thought it was scimitar but apparently that only has one? Also a round badge with what looks like a white capital A on? Any...

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