Please settle an argument - did they make enough out of their pop career to still be rich or are they skint now? Alternatively, number of record sales would allow me to guess if anyone knows...
So is that what we are paying for now.A panel who with one exceptipn (Dowie) and a commentary team who were so unabashed biased towards Englands demise it was embarrassing.Can I just remind people for...
My husband bought 'Airliner Pilot'an extension for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004. It plays on my friend's DVD and my daughter's laptop but not on our PC. They are all running XP. I have updated...
Oh my god! How bad were England. As an England supporter I was so embarrassed and wanted them to be that I was cheering on Northern Ireland. How much of a future has Sven got now?
As a 60 year old semi retired civil servant, my son recently introduced me to 24. I have now watched series one to four. Although intending to watch it "now and then" once started i found it very...
Not sure where to post this ... We have recently had Sky Plus installed. We have had no end of problems with it. Have any other ABers had similar problems. Before I ring Sky to blast...
Hi I'm looking for an old song that has the lyrics about being in outer spae and talking to an operator. "I'm sorry but you seem to have a bad connetion" something like that. can you...
I currently use the internet over an hour a night on a dial-up. Recently, my dad's started doing the same, so our phone bill is going through the roof! I think broadband will be...
When rooney scored against newcastle last weekend a big deal was made about his celebration. I didnt see all of it as i was to busy celebrating myself (being a united fan!) does anyone know exactly...
anyone know what running shoes are best to help with over-supination when running? i have long had a problem with running on the edges of my feet and managed to find New Balance 1023's...
What a complete swizz. Nothing gets explained or answered at the end of the series. The second series isn't even out in the States yet, and I doubt that'll do any explaining either. How annoying is...