Good evening EV N & Cers, I haven't looked at it yet, a treat for later as I have been a very good girl and met my two deadlines, cleaned out the freezers and dairy in prep for the return of the lambs...
Good Afternoon EV N & C'ers. Haven't yet opened the EV yet but had a notification that there was a further post on last week's! drb is having trouble getting a copy of this week's and wonders if...
Good Afternoon all EV N & C'ers. Have only glanced at it but don't feel hopeful. Sez it all on my last post of last week's - special message for you Physicsgirl! Regards
BT Yahoo browser How to cut your energy bill ,ensure your microwave is completely switched off simply powering the clock can use more energy than heating the food ,surely not
well we've all seen it in sci-fi films where lasers are used to preform milli second surgery and then the hero's on his feet without a care in the my question is have'nt they yet...
Has anyone else joined this new version of the crossword pages? It's just refusing to let me in as 'we cannot take payment' yet the Worldpay thing has confirmed the payment!
How could I as accurately as possible calculate the impulse exterted on a surface by a falling raindrop assuming its impact velocity is 10m/s. (assume water is fresh water at 10 Degress celcius) and...
SO SORRY Having found this site last night got carried away and asked lots of questions. Was rebuked and classed as lazy. So sorry to have caused offence. It wont happen again - thoroughly chastised....
Can anyone help me come up with Clues to these answers? Im making a crossword and need some hard clues!! Sausage, night , year, explodes, this, year, herring, long , fun club
7d Get rid ofrising challenge, one playing a part with head dropped (11) 19a Developer's teacher shunning Academy (7) ed????? 6d This unoriginal material left could be valued with an element of...