Can anyone help me come up with Clues to these answers? Im making a crossword and need some hard clues!! Sausage, night , year, explodes, this, year, herring, long , fun club
7d Get rid ofrising challenge, one playing a part with head dropped (11) 19a Developer's teacher shunning Academy (7) ed????? 6d This unoriginal material left could be valued with an element of...
Hi, I seem to be stuck on several here; can anyone help? 6D: `Wind from behind pass' (7) B?OWO?? looks like either `blowout' or `blow-off' but I can't see why in either case. 32A: `Champion golfer...
Ah sod it I'm not waiting any longer i'm starting my weekend now, I haven't slept all night, I've spent the last 4 days cleaning my house from top to bottom after neglecting it all summer (admittedly...
2 cyclists go round a track one completes 16 circuits per hour the other 10 circuits per hour.if they both simultaneously start from the same point how long will it be before they are next exactly...
What would be the correct version of 'to' in the phrase 'she pulled the window to'. Would it be to, or too? I'm more inclined to think the first one, but the more I look at it, the wronger it seems.
Women are like apples on trees. The best ones are at the top of the tree. Most men don't want to reach for the good ones because they are afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they sometimes...
I know it is no good asking for help with 31 Making a fuss in Berlin and 58 Will's horror as nobody seems to have them but can anyone please give me a clue for 74 thick and insensitive. I keep coming...
Now that water has been found on Mars with no chance of life being found there is it time to call a halt on these costly space journeys to the red planet?...
I'm missing something here ! 25a Group relations offensive in Vietnam? (6) - E - T - T. septet? sestet? sextet? or even dectet? Can someone put me out of my misery and explain, please?
Whilst having a "friendly" game of chess, White's King has been accidently knocked off the board. Unfortunately no-one can remember who's move it is next and which square White's King was on. White is...
Still stuck on top left corner 2D Result of someone who's striking catching your eye (6) ?h?n?? 12A Leading from the bend(4) ???h Any help much appreciated.