Its me again-we seem to have lots of queries today! Anyone know the origin of Chinaman as a cricket term? My husband usually knows all there is to know about cricket but he's STUMPED on this one!!...
Suffering from severe depression and anxiety - After being on several antidepressants for many years and having difficulty finding one that works, someone told me i should come off them completely are...
So in contrast to the depressing song post... thought we needed something to cheer us up again... What song always has the impact to get you up on the dancefloor?? Mine has to be Robin S - Show Me...
i have a 14 year old cat no matter how many times i put fresh water down for him he always prefers to drink the water out of the fish pond or the dirty water in the garden fountain just wondered if...
Hi All, I had my shoulder operated on 2.5 years ago, via keyhole were they shrunk my shoulder joint with a heat probe and reattached all my ligaments? Do you think there is any chance of further...
My grandaughters were searching the garden for bugs to put in a jar but couldn't find any. Not a ladybird, beetle or even a greenfly. Where are they all?
I have two young female cats, neither have been 'done' yet. Why do they keep constantly meowing to each other? They just want to huddle in the corner and meow. Both seem physically fine and are...
Hi all. Can anyone tell me where I can buy one of those things which goes into the plughole of a kitchen sink to trap any bits before they go down and block the pipe! I think that they are like a...
Im on my honey moon in a couple of weeks for 2 weeks. we have arranged for our 2 yr old cat to be placed in a cattery whilst we are away. The cattery has been rceommneded by a friend. I am now worried...
We have a small pond with two goldfish. Does anyone know of a safe way to help clear the water without using filters? I have introduced oxygenating weed and some snails but the water is still a bit...
so does anyone believe in love at first sight? and internet relationships? i believe in both i met my fiancee on the internet, within 10 days of first talking to her online i came over to ireland and...
Lets be serious here. Does any of this alternatine medicine actually work? As an aging hippy I have tried nearly every one that I can think of, with the exception of Reiki, which my normally...
I have just discovered a dead cat in my hot tub!!! Poor thing. It has a collar from about half a mile away. Should I go around there or telephone them? I feel a little guilty because I forgot to put...
Which breed of dog has long corkscrew type hair (looks a bit like dredlocks) think they are usually black, there was an advert with a man with short matching (kind of) dredlocks running down the beach...