i'm covered in the things, in partiular one big juicy one on my left butt cheek that's itching like mad. has anyone got any home rememdies to stop the itching. as i'm at work i have v little in the...
someone's just mentioned this on another site, app she had an argument (no surprise there) but was really offensive and she got hauled off to the diary room at 4am and hasn't been seen since, anyone...
Ladies if you have one a/ how painful was it and are you happy with the result b/ does it show through clothes much? if you havent already guessed i'm thinking of having this doen but not sure (just...
I'm am about to issue some expensive equip to staff at work and i need to write a memo to them, stating the equip they are being given and serial no's, so far no probs, the next part should be easy...
ok its so not a q, but i just want to say hi, how are you all and also to apologise to anyone i offended! It was a rough couple of months but i think i'm getting there now!
after all the crap that has been posted today i'm just wondering, is anyone just chilled, happy no probs etc, etc, i realise this a rather broad q but really am i the only one fed up with the bitching
any ideas, i've have just had to fix the till at work and got covered in ink (over my hands/nails)in the process, i've tried soap/water and white board cleaner but these haven't worked!
for example some people on her call me fluff or fluffy Dot.hawkes = dotty pinkfizz =pink chinadoll = china etc etc you get my drift, in my real life (yes i have one) my name is often shortened to...
or am i on my own, i love his programmes, they are sooooo interesting, i'd like to think that if i was stranded in the wilderness i could last for at least one day (ob not his fault mine for being...
ok i have three neices's this concerns two of them. my eldest neice is a mum and doing really well, the middle was being an *******, (those who frequent parenting will know the back ground tiggeralix)...
does any elses cat jump on keyboard, i'm having real trouble typing this cos she will not leave me alone, i'm having to reach over her, she's sitting on the m342]4 2`