Does anyone know who plays the rapists wife currently in the bill? I can't remember what she is called but her hubby is called 'Durante' or something like that. Also, what has she been in before?? She...
Leanne and Connie stand out from the rest by a mile. Whatever do the judges see in Siobhan, apart from the blokes fancying her - I think her performance last night was dire!
Trying to remember the names of two kids shows from the 90's. The first had 3 kids jumping out of a black van and going into a tower block where they entered a lift. In the lift was a screen and a...
Could someone please tell me what the phrase "I hope you're not going to bust my chops." means? The line is used by Travis Bickle's potential boss during the interview, Travis takes too become a...
Another British film this one , there was only 2 people in it really , it was set in the aftermath of a nuclear war in a sheltered welsh valley where the radiation wasn't as bad but they both still...
a film , where people have lived underground for generations and dont know about the world above or that it is habbitable. some of the underground people dream of the eart above and try to find it ?
This is a serious point, and i've watched and watched and I still can't work it out. Can someone please explain why this man is funny? I've seen him on TV shows/DVD's and I really don't get why he is...
I have just accidentally switched to this 50 films thing on tv and it was The Searchers, the end scene in the doorway, knowing that he was paying homage to his late friend that had passed, always sets...
Hi on Michael Buble's cd Its Time there is a record called You Dont Know Me I know its a cover version from Ray Charles. Does anyone know what Film this song comes from. Thanks
Trying to find a film; Its name was palem 123 (or something like that); made in the 70's and set around a failed hostage situation in the New York subway system. Can't find it though, anywhere (IMDB,...