I am looking for a song that really represents a trippy or druggy 60s feel (for a film soundtrack) and so far have only found Eight Miles High (Byrds) and "Break on Through" (Doors). There must be...
About two years ago a couple of sisters had a song out which got played on Radio 2 a lot. It had the chorus ' can you hear me ,hear me in your heart now singing' or something like that. Anyone got any...
does anybody know the country and western song sung by rob bryden and tom jones at the end of lets dance for comic relief about two weeks ago ,and the original performer any help much appreciated
Having worked for the past ten years for the one client I have been TUPE several times , will I still be able to claim for the full redundancy package from the present employer. ??
I have been made redundant from a company. I was issued with an original contract where on of the items stated that 3 months notice or pament was to be paid. The contract never got signed due to not...
the company i work for has announced they want 40 voluntary redundancy's. They want certain deparments to go first and have said when they take the voluntary redunandcy the company will say it was...
Hi all, Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this... Is this classed as a viable loophole? - "You can't not employ me just becuase of my age because you didn't post an age restriction in...
I was able to get the cd on my itunes library online but was not able to get it on my Ipod I thought they happened at the same time. It did not say at the end to sync. So I did something wrong. Please...
made the stupid mistake of waking away from the atm and forgetting to take my money just wondered is there a time lapse if the money isnt taken does the machine take it back
Can EVERYONE tell me in their opinion what is the best london club you have been to. including the types of music they play. (this question is handy for everyone!!)
Hi i have just given a tv interwiew in my home regarding a trial that ius coming up in november i was paid fifty pounds nothing was signed or hands shaken to clench the deal, can i ask for more money...
Some years ago I watched a Dawn French sketch (not sure if Jennifer S was in it) where she played a middle-aged woman dressed in tweed and brogues, wearing glasses where she was looking around a large...
...an unused ticket from this years rockness festival beside inverness? its for a talk/presentation and i need it for a prop. hoping someone has one they didnt use or sell still lying around or if...