Dictatorship spells the end of a meaningful democracy. Ironically, it was democracy that steered America towards a dictatorship in the first election that put Trump in the White House. Should... ...
Best view of Perseid Meteor Shower is this weekend, August 11-13, before dawn. This year's conditions are better than usual due to the late rising waning crescent moon. Darker skies are best for...
Anyone tell me who is singing in this video? Trying to track down another song with same vocalist with even more extreme effects.
What if it's the atheists that go to heaven, for their integrity of conviction, for refusing to believe for the sake of convenience and for their unwillingness to accept sacrifice as a means by which...
...for those who believe there is any? If 'God' sought communication with his 'creation', why a book? Why does this book require countless revision, reinterpretation, and translation? Why wouldn't you...
. . . or were they? I have on several occasions encountered the suggestion by believers that my disbelief is down to having been deceived by the devil. Playing devil's advocate for the moment - for...
Religion tells us that God did it. Science shows us how and in the process the hand of God is no where to be seen. Here we go with another YouTube video but one I hope one some others (as I did) will...
Some of us here know Theland (amongst others) is wrong regarding his (their) beliefs that the alleged Christian God is creator of the world and savior of humanity. But isn't it important for us to...