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Do you dread your approaching Birthdays? At what age so you consider yourself as being old? My birthday is coming at the end of the month and I'm starting to feel a lot older and dreading the next...
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Do you have regional accent? If so what is it?
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For my niece's birthday I gave her a card and gift, for my birthday she gave me just a card. If she no longer wishes to exchange gifts I need to know, but how do I ask her? She's in her twenties and I...
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What do Simon templar's halo, Maigret's pipe and a little white rabbit have in common
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my title is the question
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This year we thought we'd take a break from preparing Christmas dinner and decided to treat ourselves to one at Brighton's Grand Hotel. As that's a 5-star and they were charging ?99 a head, we assumed...
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what is the biggest turn off in a man ?
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Hello, I just wondered what people's thoughts were on madrids latest idea to ban models which have a BMI of under 18. Is it good or bad? If good why hasn't it been done sooner and why are there / is...
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My son flew into Heathrow last week from Australia via Hong Kong. He walked off the plane, picked up his bag and when asked if he had anything to declare he said he hadn't so after a glance at his...
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Why do you think out of the million orphans in Malawi, that Madonna chose one who isn't an orphan but has a father?
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what do you do .........
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I'm now 30 and just noticing that all my late nights have led to a couple of crows feet in the outer corners and at the start of my right eye... are there any special eye creams that will help this?...
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Hi I think my wife maybe cheating on me. I was looking on her mobile (bad i know) I found some recent, flirty texts from an old flame of hers They have spoken also as one of the texts from him said...
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Help. My boyfriend has a close group of friends (male and female) who we go out with sometimes at the weekends. The only thing is they're really cliquey and make me feel like i'm unwelcome because i'm...
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Can anyone tell me what the ending in the movie Birth was all about because I don't get it, in fact I don't get any of it - was the boy her dead husband or not, if not how did he know all that stuff?...
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I love most accents -especially geordie, southern, irish, Australian but ONE accent i absolutely detest, is YORKIE......thee, thy, arn (meaning ours), yourn (meaning yours) etc. Anyone agree n wots...
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where is the most unusual place you have had sex! ??
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does anyone acctually like oliver cromwell? coz i sure dont , i mean do u think he was a good or bad man?
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what is the funniest joke that you have ever heard and why?
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I normally get depressed from November to about the beginning of April, but in the last few days I've had that feeling of impending doom (winter/long nights etc) and in August it's way too early. I...

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