Can we not have these "boot camps" back for the youngsters who mindlessly kill people/animals for the fun of it. A couple of years in a place where they have a a set of rules, bounderies and a purpose...
What is a real man? Is it about hunting, shooting, fishing or shagging lots of girls and getting drunk. Do real men cry or do they squash their emotions and then punch some one to deal with those...
My best mate has just been prescribed a month of Prozac. This worries me as I do think that Dorctors hand it out like sweets when all the patient really needs is some counselling. Sometimes. What is...
I know there are a plethora of questions asking: "Where are you from?" "What do you look like?" blah blah blah My question, What are you educational qualifications, and grades if you allow me to ask?...
We have my 20yr old son's 17yr old girlfriend staying at the moment and it's driving me nuts! Their relationship isn't great at the best of times, in fact he doesn't seem to even want her here, but...
In a couple of weeks time a friend is coming for dinner at my house. It won't be a formal dinner as I don't even have a table so we'll be eating from our laps. I would love some suggestions for a main...
A friend recently confided in me, but I wish he hadn't as what he told me is very top secret and now I wish I could just forget about it, only I can't. I'm not about to tell anybody what he told me...
I was just listening to "500 Miles" by the Proclaimers. and in it they say "and if i Haver, yeah i know i'm gonna be, i'm gonna be the man who's haverin' to you" what does Haver mean? I looked it up...
sorry if im stirring up trouble here but i just seen a post entitled boring and it seems that people seem to be well....Racist! please tell me that this site, which i often read is not frequented by...
This is such a strange question but I dont know what else to do. My life seems so rubbish at the moment. I broke up with my boyfriend about 2 months ago and I cant let it go. Probably because we have...
*****SPOILERS****** DO NOT READ IF YOU DONT WANT KNOW WHAT HAPPENED What are your opinions on the book? Personally I thought the second half of the book was brilliant. I enjoyed the fast pace start...
but for the last few years, maybe 5 or so I keep getting this thing in my memory. Suddenly its like I get a flashback or am reminded of something that happened when I was younger (or maybe even...
I've been told that wireless is very unsafe and that it's very easy for someone to access your computer. Is this true and what can you do to prevent this? When answering please bear in mind that I...