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How can I access my portable hard drive from my Galaxy TAB 2 ? I have bought a connector cable that converts the regular 32 pin into a a USB slot. But I can't see how or where I can read this portable...
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19d Don't talk - manage climb in periods (6) E????? All help gratefully received....
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How do I mark a good reply as a Best Answer please ?
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Look, I know its early and all that but can anybody explain what dear old Araucaria is on about today, with his Special Instructions ? "Across clues are 11, when it comes to the subsidiary parts...
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Are AOC monitors good value? thanks...
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There used to be a marvelous site on the 'net, called The Encyclopedia Of Stupid, which is sadly no longer with us, but I am grateful to it for the following fool-proof way of getting rid of Jehovah's...
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I have seen Christmas decorations in people's homes now since the middle of November. It's ridiculous, it's far too early! Have these people nothing better to do? It's long enough as it is without...
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Would anyone care to have a discussion on the articles on this website?
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I want to become more tolerant to gay's private lives. Can you help? We have over the years become fairly friendly with a gay male couple who used to live next door, they make us laugh and are such a...
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i have one and last time i wnet there i saw a gateway netbook in a replace of it
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I'm cooking sprouts for the first time this year tonight. Laughing Boy likes his cooked till they're mushy (yuk) whereas I like mine still crunchy and bright green. What do you lot think? Do you love...
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Only 28 days and It will be here,no boos,hisses or bah humbugs.Do you like Christmas? I love It.Is It just a headache or are you looking forward to It? No swear words please lol.x
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I have only recently bought one of these, the 7 inch version and I am very pleased with it. But if I want to use it where there isn't any wifi access, can I use a dongle ? I have a dongle that I use...
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I have recently found this site and I wanted to share the good news with all you ABers ! You can watch pretty much any channel you like, for free, LIVE ! ie, not like the BBC...
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we have an old p/c and a new laptop, as the old machine keeps switching itself on and off, we think it's time to replace it. Now here's the question, should we buy a new laptop or replace the tower (I...
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Hi, I'm wondering if theres is a way to get wi-fi with no land line. Basically my son lives with my ex, they have no landline phone. Was wondering if you can get wi-fi without one, for using a tablet...
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Last one...14a...Fruit celebrity requests one's overlooked (4,6) S?A? A?P?E? Is this STAR APPLES ? I can see the fruit and the celebrity but not sure about overlooked....
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18d...Endure a southern resort mentioned ? Unacceptable ??D? ??T...
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3d...City girl hanging around star....L?S ?????
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32a -o---p-d? 33a --a-s- help appreciated. Thank you...

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