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29D Where there are many stores we find very quiet in a puzzling way. (8.6) -H-P-I-G -E-T-E. Must be shopping centre, and PP is very quiet, but struggling with rest of word play. 52D Kid, not the...
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4d Plug gap without guidance A-R-F-. Looks like adrift, but I can't see any connection with clue - any explanation appreciated!
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31D Note parliament member on an old rate G_M_O
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9d Continuous onslaught almost can't hurt Aden. C-N-O-A-E, I have cannonade, but can't get the wordplay! OK, 1st 3 letters of CAN't and ADEn are in answer, but how do you get NON from hurt? I'm sure...
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Last one (before I start yesterday's!) - 4D, Harsh wind from South and east, A_S_E_E, must be austere (=harsh) but can't get the wordplay of the rest of the clue! Any help appreciated...
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Last one, 52D. Apply vote - raised palm perhaps should secure it. E_E_T. Elect fits with 1st part, can't see 2nd. Can anyone explain, please? I can see a 'DOH!' moment approaching, as always any help...
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48a Indian's horse going at speed, a-a-e. Last one, I know it'll be a 'kick yourself' moment!

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