I have recently had a roof tiled and as a result of recent rain the water has run down the lead channels and caused unsightly white stains on the roof tiles. I am not entirely confident that they will...
Has anyone any advice on becoming an assessor for Home Information Packs work? Where to, or not to, train, costs and is there any help with course fees, getting qualified and getting work when...
I'm sure some of you will know the following from Othello Act 3 scene 3 Iago making him jealous. I need to know what lines 4 & 5 actually mean please?? Thanks in anticipation. O beware my lord of...
All answers are British towns and cities, any help greatly appreciated thanks. Old hat 9 Hits the entrance 8 Untouched food 8 Barnaby's murder capital 8,6 42nd Street 8 Split the Earth 10 Fresh clue 7...
Last four I can't get for quiz where each answer is some sort of creature, animal, bird, insect etc. Could be fancied by a sailor 4 Vegetable found with a heap of hay 7 Carry goods about for sale 4...
Anyone remember the old 70's tv programme Adam Adamant with the Victorian hero who was frozen in a block of ice?? We're trying to remember the catch phrase that was said at the beginning of the...
Does anybody know a poem which has the lines
'Little brown seed, little brown brother, Are you awake in the dark?
I'm trying to find the poem and the author.
Thanks Brian M