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I am interested in finding out how far removed it is from real ground coffee and how it is processed. Thank you
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How do I trick a man who's decided after 6 months of dating he just wants to be friends. I know him and he's just afraid it won't work out. How do I trick him into setting his doubts aside and just go...
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is it possible to train my collie terrier X out of stealing other peoples footballs.if we are out and he is off lead and spots one i have no chance of him coming back with it.i cease to exist and...
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I know everyone is different, but if you are suffering from depression, for whatever reason/s, do you think it's best to try to soldier on without taking anti-depressants, or trying to persevere with...
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leon nelkin
When children are picked up from school why are some of them taken straight to a supermarket
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in the new levis ad, where theyre reciting a scene from midsummer nights dream, does anyone know that act and scene and where i can find it on the internet?? thanks xx
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are there any supplements that curb the appetite??
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Hi, I'm looking for a picture I saw many years ago of a python that tried to eat a horned species of antelope, got as far as the antelope's neck, then the horns of the antelope pierced through...
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does anyone know of any healthy snacks that are filling.?
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Is there any cure for thrush?
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She is about 80 and is obviously losing her marbles, although we suspect she wasn't the full shilling in the first place. She thinks she knows everything about everything and gets off her high...
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I am reading a novel set in 1960s England.  The main character assaults a rude shopkeeper and is sent to prison. In the US, simple assault gets you time in county jail.  You don't go to...
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Hahahahahaha, yes, I totaly miss heard Tony Christie when he sung "walk like a panda tonight" (walk like a panther), and KD Lang when she sang "cant stand gravy" (constant craving) totaly missheard...
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ive been suffering from flushes and blushing for a long while now. I'm 20 years old and ever since i can remember when i was in a situation of stress, embarassment or being the centre of...
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I think Raging Bull.
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In your opinion what is the best film in my dvd collection? American beauty white men can't jump Training day The sixth sense Born on the forth of july Pulp fiction Dead presidents Apocalypse now...

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