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I know most of these questions have already been asked but the quiz has to be in tomorrow so in the hope I/we catch someone who hasn't seen them. 1/ in tv/film : Who won an Oscar in 1970 but only...
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...this will make you smile. Apologies if you've seen it before, it's 2 year old Vincent singing along to Euphoria by Loreen which won the Eurovision song contest last year....
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Well, we have a selection of French Fancies, and a home made choccy fudge cake. Shall I do sandwiches or just stick with the sausage rolls and chicken goujons. Wine and beer are in the usual places....
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I have had Rheumatoid Arthritis since 1989. Just lately my hands have been more painful than usual. Yesterday I received a copy of a letter sent from my Specialist nurse to my GP. In the letter she...
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Is he on holiday?
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As usual it contains about half a dozen catalogues. I know this has probably been asked before, but how to you put a stop to them? I've tried writing to the companies concerned but that doesn't work....
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CurlyChris has kindly suggested that photo number 7 in the Sport section of the quiz at is a cricketer who played in the north east, but as he is...
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This song has been a hit for 8 different artists.
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5 Billion housing benifits payed out in london to greedy landlords the goverment should cut the benifits in half and see if landlords could get the inflated rents they charge because off housing...
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Who is that on your avatar, it's driving me mad trying to put a name to him.
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for only having beef or pork in the middle bits - manufacturers blame it on hard times - they are finding it dfficult to make ends meat
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where has dotty gone?
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Please remove it, it is the one from 9th jAN about my granddaughter, not impressed at all
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yes its another one from the northern echo quiz two days then its all over for another year savage amusment but we love it...
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ChillDoubt I'm already heading towards the coat rack, don't worry.........
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I know one of these has been asked before but was unable to find photo in Images. So I'll ask again if that's ok. Photos 5 and 10 in the FILM/TV section...
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Kids Talk About Love "What does love mean?" These are answers from 4 to 8 year olds. When my grandma got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toe nails anymore. So my grandpa does it for...
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A blonde burnette, and a redhead are being exacuted. The burnette is first, so the cops say " ready!...aim!" ...and then the burnette yells " Earthqauke!" and the cops turn around and she runs. Then...
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i need to buy a mousemat, i know there is lots of info out there, have looked at various websites, however are there differences apart from price. i have a wireless mouse, and find that it's more...
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Transported to a surreal landscape, a young girl kills the first person she meets and then teams up with three strangers to kill again. (The Wizard Of Oz) Any more?...

121 to 140 of 1949

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