14a Leaves limits, l-l-l-leaving husband (4,5) T?E? / L???S 8d Fourth letter leaving Maidenhead for Jerusalem? (4) sion? zion? 22a Old female from West Side Story beginning to sing in revue (7)...
1 down; helpless giggling of us in the sack (3,4). I have -o-, r-r-, and also 29ac ; a great deal on offer (4). I have -o-s.
Doing my head in, help please!...
24ac. Train ordered to arrive Euston? Not this terminus (8) E-R-S-A-. Looks like "EURASIAN" or maybe "ETRUSCAN" but I can't see how either fits the clue.
I think it's got to be "I love x more than life itself". I always cringe when I hear this, who actually loves life itself? What a load of old tripe.
What gets your vote?...
16 ac. On front page a weird mission shortened as pages (10) The answer must be PIANISSIMO (p1 + a + anag. of "mission") but how does "shortened as pages" come out as a musical...
1. The Sun is shining. 2. It's nearly the end of the week. 3. I'm on A/L from 2pm next Thursday. 4. I get to see my mum next week. 5. We're having engagement party next week. What are your reasons to...
Last one - 19,21 down: "Where one is kept in for ENT observation." (9,6) Must be "DETENTION CENTRE" but apart from the ENTs in the middle, I can't see why. Any thoughts?
9a Things are getting complicated with switched on Willy, the cottager and countryman, among the numbers (3,4,8) The ?l?? ???c????
Help appreciated....