I have a self planted plant that I thought was a sunflower, unfortunately it has turned out to be blind so I don't have a flower to identify it. It is 7ft (2m) tall with hugh leaves over a foot wide...
I would like to go on the Lhasa Tibet train to Xian China It sounds a facinating way to cross the Himalayas however I am getting on in years and I wonder if anyone has done this trip and can give me...
I am trying to identify a plant can anyone help.? My friend has a rose like shrub with beautiful red blooms which they bought in this country but they have them in Calfornia in profusion. However the...
Does anyone in the UK grow their own melons? I know most are imported from the likes of Spain but just wondered if they would be a viable greenhouse crop?
Please does anyone know where I can find a reasonably priced picture frame measuring approx. 120cm x 95cm or 48" x 38"? I have been searching the net and companies that say they have large frames for...
Many of my friends have complained how expensive all Saga services have become and in the past month my house and car insurances ( both with Saga ) have come up for renewal at greatly increased...
I may remove a tree because of its age and I thought I might leave a metre ( 3/4 feet) of the trunk standing and put something useful/decorative on top. The trunk is about 30cm ( one foot ) across....
If two or three people own a house can one of them force the other/s to sell if they don't want to . If they can't force a sell what else can they do subsequently .
How do I get rid of unwanted contact email addresses? I've deleted and removed a number of contact addresses but as soon as I start to enter the first letter in the To: window, all the addresses...
Max Boyce was never funny & Rob Brydon I would describe more of a comedy actor. So who? (apart from my BF - but he doesn't intend to be funny so that doesn't count).
I've a 50 year old Malus which has bloomed and flourished every year until last year when all the leaves died in late summer and the whole tree was covered with grey lichen like growth. I decided the...
I have recently taken up painting as a hobby and would like to produce line drawings from photos, so that I can copy the outlines onto canvas and then paint the portrait or whatever. I believe that...
I have used PAINT SHOP PRO 7.04 for several years but it is not much good for 3d Work. I particularly want the third dimension to be easy to manipulate e.g into waves and curves, as if the object is...