1. Press delight in giving a hypocritical display of affection (8,4) ??P?O?R? LOVE
2. Longs to nurse sick hero (8) ???I???S
3. Bay,s fame (7) ??U?E?S
Any help most appreciated....
19D North European carnivore with dark shaggy fur
I have G?U?T?N
(G from Gertrude, U from exequy, T from on site, N from tapenade.)
Any help appreciated...
An old Chinese man dies and his family take his body to the funeral parlour. They tell the undertaker that they're so sad coz he always wore his blue suit, but had just thrown it out before he died....
Have to change one letter in each word so that they then have a connection. 10) MATES AXIL FRICTION CRIME PATIO so far I have MATHS FRACTION PRIME RATIO Could the last one be AXIS - can't think of...
Hey. Stuck on some maths work on differential equations. Pretty basic stuff, but its late and i can't seem to get my head around it. Heres the two i can't do. 1. Find solution of dy/dx = 3x^2 - 4x...
Stuck on two, so any help would be great - What prefix and adjective relates to something containing the divalent group -N=N- ? [3] Ihave a-o and no idea what the question even means, and - What is a...
Stuck on three - any help appreciated. 10a. Adherent of religion related to Buddhism.(4) I have ?A?N - is it TAON? 15a. Scottish word for persistent chatter. (6) ??T??R. 6d. Relating to a type of...
Two I can't find.
17A Hindu goddess who is mother of celestial gods.(5) A?I?E
42D Ornamental trim otten made with gold or silver threads (7) G?R?O?N
Many thanks for your help...
Pollster in Missouri State (4) M?R? I am certain of the letters shown. The abbreviation for Missouri is Mo, if that is relevant. The clue may refer to a pollster in UK, which is 10 000 miles away and...