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My 17(soon to be 18)year old has told me that he wants to join the army.I am worried sick and told him that I really don't want him to join however I wont stop him if it's what he really wants to do.I...
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kids have been writing on my cream leather sofas, any idea how i can get it off? thanks in advance
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why is it that the memory card from my dads camera is so hard to put in the slot? Non of the spikes are bent, its always difficult but ym dad can do it first time. Is there a knack to it and if so...
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Whilst trying to explain the recent downfalls in Cumbria, a guy on the TV said that 'Can you imagine 314 millimetres of water measured over one square foot?'. Can ABers confirm this as I would have...
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Thought this might be an idea. People post cheaper alternatives that taste just as good as dearer ones and where they are from. I will start with. Sainsburys Basics Irish Beef. From chilled section....
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last year, my total atendance was about 90% but now that i havent had any times off since the start of september, almost all my grades/ average tests results have gone down. why would this be, when...
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Tesco have been caught passing off dog meat as turkey. The revelation came after a shocked Midlands housewife chipped a tooth on a name tag with 'Tess' written on it while eating a 'turkey' from the...
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My friend has asked me to be a guide parent to her little boy... I'm not sure what this entails.. Can anybody help me please?
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I'm in a ceremonial rifle drill competition on sunday, but unless we are outside in the cold, I get sweaty hands by half way through the routine, and the competition will be inside, in the warm where...
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Can anyone help. The only clue I have is that the answers are christmas related. K K B M A C D D P V C C B D T S B R B S S D H T G S C G F A M K U T M S C C F C-C C...
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So I know a boy of this age and he cries a lot and only stops when he is with his mum. He never sleeps alone always in bed with his mum or grnd parents. Will this become a problem when he is older....
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Why is it such a big deal? I'd rather my dad leave it up rather than not putting it up and getting wee all over the seat, which he doesn't clean up. Then when my mum or I come to use it and complain,...
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whats the difference between reistsance and resistivity?
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Or should it be renamed the Katie Price show? Last night's episode seemed to be all about her - her trial, Kim and George talking about her, Katie talking to others about herself. The only thing I can...
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In social ethics, we were having a discussion on whether the class thinks that the standard punishments that this countrry has for each crime is fair or not. Whic lead to discussing the prison system....
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Hands up all those who expect to see legislation giving Human Rights to those in mixed relationships....... http://www.telegraph....umans-and-robots.html...
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Have you ever had a quiz question that was so good, you still remember it? I mean good as in;memorable for being either very clever; very simple or one of those;...
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in governement, whats the difference between being a secretary and minister for something. Is it one or the other or is there both for everything?
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Heat rises, so its sensible to put radiators near the bottom of the room, which most people do. So why are the heaters in my school in the cieling (its a 1 storey building) with no radiators around...

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