She appears to have a great deal of experience and seems knowledgeable about psychology. I'm just curious to know, does she have any qualifications in this field ie: a degree?
What does anyone else think of this film? I watched it last night and I must say I wasn't impressed, could have been good but it was just to short. The girl in Blockbusters told me it was brilliant,...
My son began attending pre-school in April when he had just turned three. Prior to this he had never been cared for by anyone but us so it was a huge step for the three of us, but one we thought was...
There have been numerous occasions when I look at the clock and it says 9:11, more than any other time. Obviously I know the significance of this as a date, and there is a possibility that...
I commence my LLB in just under 2 months. I have purchased all the required/further reading for my first year (Common Law and Criminal Law). Until now I have been reading a book called Legal Skills by...
I am going to try vegetarianism for a while. I've never done it before but I have never been a big meat eater either. My husband loves his meat and I also have a three year so it is vital he continues...
My nieces may be being enrolled in one and on the surface I'm sure that it is all lovely, but they are a Christian family and some of the Steiner stuff just sounds weird to me. Anyone been through the...
My grandson has been burnt with a hot blow torch and had his feet kicked off of a chair, both of which were occasioned by teachers. Does this constitue ABH?
I received an A for unit 2 (coursework) in January but a D for the exam, so I re-sat earlier this month. Therefore I shall receive the results for 3 units in August. I just wondered what I would need...
I have a family member who gave up her children in order to pursue a life of partying approximately 10 years ago. She has allegedly suffered from a mental illness for the past few years which is known...
I caught a few minutes of a programme last weekend, about a dog in Malawi (I presume it was a stray). The poor thing was severely underweight, had an eye infection and was feeding pups. It also had...
Hi. My son is completely disinterested in breakfast regardless of what it is. He has been this was for approximately 6 months now (he's 3 years old). I've tried everything and we have always been...
The fur and bedding for our week old bunnies is becoming damp and smelly, can I now get rid of the remaining fur and bedding and replace with fresh hay and wood chippings? TIA