It drives me insane, why are the BBC refering the large wave caused by last night's earthquake in Japan as a tidal wave? It's not tidal - it was caused by an earthquake! Is this more evidence of...
plumber A installed a shower,but sited it vertically -ie the controls under the riser ,so it makes the shower nozzle way too high,i wanted it sited with the controls to the right of the riser and this...
This lizard came in on a plant from a tropical country. It's definitely a baby, measuring 2 1/4 inches long, half of which is a whip like tail. It has long clawed digits on front & back, head shaped...
in researching for this contest I was doing I just keep getting links to this site....I refuse to use it for the fact that real cowboys dont cheat. I think that anyone who does use this...
My husband has his own business and has been plagued with telephone calls from a publishing firm up North asking him to place an advert in some sort of diary. They've sent him a bill for ?120 and say...
This New York sportswriter's nickname may have fit his profession, but he had already made a hit with it long before he wrote a single column. Mayeb that's because he was also one of the best Kansas...
I have been gone on multiple Q&A and riddle sites under different names and posting incorrect answers! If everyone does the same thing, it will throw off all of those people cheating in the contest...